Non-Profits > Activism
Support Monero activism groups. Drive change in digital privacy and cryptocurrency advocacy. - Your tax-deductible gift keeps on the frontlines of reporting the ever-changing landscape of foreign policy. Our tireless staff of writers & reporters count on you to support us.
- Added: 2023-08-23
- Updated: 2024-08-19
Copyfree - The Initiative is dedicated to supporting and promoting copyfree licensing policy, maintaining the Standard Definition, certifying licenses as compliant or non-compliant with that standard, and fostering a healthy community of people interested in copyfree policy.
- Added: 2022-06-22
- Updated: 2024-08-19
Crypto For The Homeless - A non-profit that uses cryptocurrency to reimburse volunteers who deliver supplies and food to homeless and houseless humans around the world. (Note: See: donations wallet)
- Added: 2022-06-22
- Updated: 2024-11-02
Fight For The Future - Fighting to ensure that technology is a force for empowerment, free expression, and liberation rather than tyranny, corruption, and structural inequality
- Added: 2022-06-22
- Updated: 2024-08-19